The following is work that I have done in a self directed manner outside of uni, as a favour for a friends and family, in collaboration with mates or within my own creative pursuits. 

Above is an example of my work in product design based on a brief I created that hoped to create a truly wireless earphone that could undergo any sort of physical activity, even swimming without falling out or slipping from the ear. It became a close investigation of ergonomics and material choice, leading me to research topics from body shapes of aquatic animals to the anatomy of the outer ear. This was my final product.

Audience Collage
Audience Collage
Collecting Colours From the Brand Environment
Collecting Colours From the Brand Environment
Seeing what competitor products offer and what they lack/can be  outperformed on.
Seeing what competitor products offer and what they lack/can be outperformed on.
Investigation into ear anatomy
Investigation into ear anatomy
Ergonomic testing using clay prototypes
Ergonomic testing using clay prototypes
Extensive form idea generation stemming from the primary inspiration, being aquatic environments
Extensive form idea generation stemming from the primary inspiration, being aquatic environments

3D Model Using CAD Software, this was my fifth prototype which went on to become my final, with some adjustments to proportions.

The final presentation of the Aquarius earphone at the end of the process.

A submission I created for my application to Advertising at RMIT in 2019. The Aim was to sell Pantene's 2 in 1 Shampoo and Conditioner, I played on the clean white luxurious aesthetic of the bottle, bringing heavenly scalp luxury down to earth.

This and the following two images were a graphics I created whilst trying to look at how I could merge my interest in photography with typography in ways that reduce clutter while communicating a feeling behind a visual. This original image was not taken by me, but all the subsequent editing is my work. 

The images below are using photographs I took myself, they look out over the surf-coast of Victoria, just off the Great Ocean Road a place that is very important to me and has inspired many of my favourite creative works.

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