This brief offered the very broad challenge to pick a brand and find a way, big or small to create a sense of unity and community for your chosen brand. The idea of "big or small" resounded with me, namely how often it's the little things many of us enjoy that can create unity, the power of something simple like ice cream is it is nearly impossible to politically activate or ideologically weaponise, polarisation over ice cream is quite low. So therefore, why not use ice cream to create small moments of unity between people, small reminders that even while our world seems more politically polarised by every minute, it really is the things we love in their pure form, that bring us together.
We open with Guy #1 sitting on a bench eating an ice cream (Drumstick), another person, Guy #2, comes sits next to him, they share a nod, wordless polite interaction as to if Guy #2 can also sit on the bench. Guy #2 pulls mask down and starts eating his ice cream (Dixie Cup). Guy #2 looks at Guy #1 and says “worlds gone mad ay” second guy nods thoughtfully and says “yeah mate cooked as (slightly drawn out pause as if conversation may fizzle) good ice cream though” Guy #2 “ooh yeah, good ice cream” both men nod and smile slightly equally to themselves and each other and then tuck into their ice creams at the exact same moment looking very content. The video then cuts to a Paul’s logo, voice over (25-30 year old woman with a calm and friendly but effortlessly assertive tone) “it’s the things we love, that bring us together” and then “Ice cream for all ” fades in on the bottom text, not spoken by the voice over.

This ad is designed for the more intimate format of YouTube and Facebook video advertising, allowing a closer connection between normally a sole viewer and the characters of Guy #1 and #2 in this story. Social media like YouTube and Facebook are also often seen as central to much of the polarising social discourse, so by giving small touches of humanity and unity in these spaces Peters can achieve maximum effect.

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