Group Studio Project RMIT
Tom Burt, Angel Aguilera, Grace Busch, Pamela Athanasakis
Below is the campaign created for Safer Communities RMIT, our aim as a team was to tackle the negative sides of masculine behavior at RMIT but also in the broader community by empowering men to engage with others, build self esteem and feel they are contributing to a better evolution of masculinity. We decided that inspiring men to be "the best man [they] can" through positive reinforcement and empowerment was a great way to get everyone involved in the conversation about what being a truly great man looks like, and helping men who already have it in them to further feed the positive sides to their diverse and unique masculine expression.
Execution 1: Affirmations application
This shows the concepts we created for a downloadable mobile application which gives men an opportunity to engage with positive affirmations and seek help if they need it. We understand something like this may not appeal to men within traditional masculine cliche's, however a mobile application offers a personal choice as to engagement, allowing men who want to to use the power of positive affirmation to build self esteem and confidence in their positive and unique masculine expression.
Execution 2: Instagram Advertisements and Page
Execution 3: Letters for better.

This execution is an automated system allowing for people to send quick messages to men they want to acknowledge for being a great man in an easy and accessible environment, hopefully inspiring more good masculinity and building self worth and esteem among men.
Execution 4: Animated Gif

This Gif has been created to be displayed on Television screens around RMIT university for a low cost impact on a large number of students.

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